11 research outputs found


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    Radiographic examination has a very important role in dental implant treatment, including preoperative planning and intraoperative and postoperative assessment. In preoperative planning, radiographic examination has an ability to visualize critical anatomic organs such as mandibular formaen, mandibular canals, and mental foramen, which will guide the choice of implant length, diameter, and position. Besides, it also can reveal variation of quality of the jawbone. Radiographic examination for postoperative assessment of dental implant is usually addressed for evaluation of implant position. Development and application modern imaging modalities in dento-maxillofacial radiology have very important role for better accuracy and more comprehensive dental implant treatment. One of modern radiographic imaging techniques for this purpose is conventional linear tomography. This modality yields visualization of bone quality and quantity in high detail and accuracy, including bone condition in buccal-lingual dimension. Thus the choice of implant type, shape, and size can be obtained precisely and furthermore reducing iatrogenic damage of critical anatomic organ Radiation dose of conventional linear tomography is relatively low compared with other modern imaging modalities such as CT scan, besides that it also has lower cost so it has beneficial economic point. However, for a certain case and condition, there will be more need for combining conventional linear tomography with other techniques, such as the panoramic and periapical technique

    Lateral cephalometric radiograph analysis on obstructive sleep apnea patients

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    Objectives: This review article is aimed to investigate changes in anatomical factors in Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) patients through means of a cephalometric radiograph, which covers relation and size. Review: This literature review used online databases (PubMed and Scopus) discussing obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults aged 18-80 years, using cephalometric analysis, and several keywords such as “obstructive sleep apnea and cephalometry” were employed to do the literature search. The search was limited to full-text articles written in English and published during the 2011-2021 period. Articles were selected by complying with literature review guidelines. Conclusion: Dentists can detect OSA early through lateral radiograph, which is originally an early screening tool, by paying attention to patients’ position during exposure, irradiation condition (kV, mA and Sec) and patient position in OSA diagnosis in regards to hard and soft tissue being evaluated. The specific craniofacial morphological variable could be a reliable parameter in determining the existence of OSA

    Vertical Angulation Alteration Tolerance in the Periapical Radiograph of Maxillary Incisor (An in vitro Study)

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    The prevalence of vertical distortion in the periapical radiograph of the anterior maxillary teeth is quite significant and cingulum is commonly used as the reference of vertical distortion in anterior radiograph. Objective: To evaluate the limit of vertical angulation error that still can be tolerated. Methods: Periapical radiograph with vertical angle 0° was obtained from 30 maxillary incisors as reference, then the vertical angulation was changed into -10°, +10°, -15°, +15°, -20° and +20°. Long axis of the teeth was adjusted parallel to the film. Tooth length and cingulum width with vertical angulation alteration was measured and compared to the actual length. All of the measurement was tested using T test. Results: There were no significant differences between all the measurements of tooth length with the alteration in vertical angulation (p>0.05), whereas cingulum width had a significant difference at +15° and -10°, p<0.05. Conclusion: Tooth length in periapical radiograph of maxillary incisor with parallel position is still tolerable until 20º vertical angle errors. Cingulum width on radiograph with +15º vertical angle alteration is significantly narrowed and on radiograph with -10° vertical angle alteration is significantly widened

    Berbagai Pencitraan Radiografik Sendi Temporo Mandibula

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    Since temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is located close to the basis cranii, radiograpchic interpretation is difficult due to overlapping with bone structures of the skull adjacent to this area. Temporomandibular disorderes need accurate diagnosis. In accordance with advances in science and technology, radiographic investigation of TMJ has developed recently, either modified conventional techniques or the modern diagnostic ones. Transcranial lateral oblique projection is one of the conventional radiographic projections that usually used. In this projection, one could see the radiographic appearance of eminentia articulare, glenoid fossa, and head of the condyle antero-posteriorly. An appropriate radiographic examination technique chosen, could give more valuable diagnostic information needed

    Osteoporosis detection using radiomorphometric examination and fractal dimensions through cone-beam computed tomography

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    Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is becoming more widely used in the field of dentomaxillofacial radiography, but its utility for bone quality assessment is still limited. This study was conducted to describe the use of radiomorphometric examination and fractal dimensions (FDs) for osteoporosis risk detection through CBCT in elderly patients. Medical databases (PubMed, Scopus, Elsevier, and Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)) were searched using the keywords osteoporosis, radiomorphometric, fractal dimension, and fractal analysis. The search limits applied were available full-text articles, publication years 2012-2021, and articles published available in English. Then, the articles included were systematically reviewed following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A total of four studies were included in this review. Seven radiomorphometric indices were used, and most indices were adopted from panoramic radiographs, such as the computed tomographycortical index, computed tomography mental index, computed tomography index, and four other indices along the mandible, which are the S (symphysis), A (anterior), M (molar), and P (posterior) indices. All of the radiomorphometric studies show similar results. These indices can identify osteoporosis-related changes and are useful as osteoporosis screening tools on CBCT. However, all FD studies show different methods and discover heterogeneous results. Radiomorphometric measurement methods in CBCT can be used to detect patients at risk for osteoporosis. The FD analysis method still finds heterogeneous research results, so it is recommended to standardize the method in terms of the shape, size, and location of the region of interest

    Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Accuracy for Morphological and Morphometric Evaluation of Mandibular Condyles Using Small FOV and Small Voxel Size

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      The objective of this study is to evaluate the accuracy of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in determining and visualizing the morphology and morphometry of the mandibular condyle. Narrative reviews with article searches were carried out through NCBI's PubMed database and Scopus from September 2021–October 2021, with the inclusion criteria articles published in 2011–2021.  The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has a crucial role and is closely related to the masticatory system. The diagnosis of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is not easy and is complex enough to require a comprehensive clinical and radiographic examination. Pathological changes such as erosion of the condyle, fracture, ankylosis, dislocation, and osteophyte can be well seen using CBCT imaging. CBCT images obtained with smaller field of view (FOV) have smaller a voxel size and a higher image resolution. FOV or scan volume refers to the anatomical area that will be included in the data volume or the area of the patient that will be irradiated. The dimension of FOV depends on the detector size and shape, the beam projection geometry, and the ability to collimate the beam. Voxel size is an important component of image quality, related to both the pixel size and the image matrix. Selection of small FOV and small voxel size is recommended because they provide better visualization and detail for the evaluation of morphology and morphometry of the condyle, especially the detection of erosion and defects on the condyle surface

    Gambaran cone-beam computed tomography pada kasus Cleidocranial Displasia

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    Cleidocranial dysplasia (CCD) merupakan kelainan herediter yang mempengaruhi tulang dan gigi serta diwariskan secara autosomal. Meskipun radiograf dua dimensi dapat memberikan informasi diagnosis CCD, namun memiliki keterbatasan distorsi geometrik dan superimposisi. Laporan kasus ini memaparkan dua kasus CCD yang berbeda dan mengevaluasi gambaran radiograf dengan menggunakan modalitas pencitraan Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) dengan tujuan untuk memberikan gambaran radiografis lengkap melalui CBCT sebagai salah satu alatpenunjang diagnosis yang memberikan rekonstruksi akurat, sehingga diharapkan dapat membantu dalam menegakkan diagnosis dan menentukan rencana perawatan. Dua orang pasien berusia dua belas dan sembilan tahun dikonsultasikan dari bagian Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak untuk melakukan pemeriksaan pencitraan 3D CBCT. Temuan radiografik gigi multiple supernumerary di rahang atas dan bawah serta keterlambatan pertumbuhan gigi-gigi permanen pada kedua pasien, serta adanya kelainan tumbuh kembah pada struktur kranium, tulang-tulang wajah, maksila dan mandibula. CBCT mengatasi kelemahan atau kekurangan pada radiograf dua dimensi, khususnya evaluasi dalam arah bukolingual. Pencitraan 3D CBCT memungkinkan rekonstruksi yang akurat dan dari beberapa pandangan sagital, koronal dan aksial dari gigi supernumerari sehingga dapat dengan tepat menentukan jumlah, posisi, morfologi mahkota dan juga hubungannya dengan gigi permanen yang berdekatan sehingga memudahkan dalam menentukan rencana perawatan

    Digital Radiografi di Bidang Kedokteran Gigi (Studi Pustaka)

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    Digital Radiografi, perpaduan kecanggihan teknologi informatika komputer dengan Imaging Diagnostic Radiografi, merupakan satu langkah maju di bidang Radiologi Diagnostik. Banyak kelebihan dan keuntungan yang didapat, dalam penerapannya di bidang kedokteran gigi. Gambaran Radiografis yang ditayangkan langsung di layar monitor serta kemampuan untuk menggali data hasil foto radiografis lebih dalam, telah terbukti mengungguli hasil radiografi konvensional. Keuntungannya yang lebih penting adalah dosis radiasi yang diabsorpsi pasien, jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan menggunakan film konvensional. Dalam mengatisipasi era globalisasi mendatang, kemajuan Iptek ini seyogyanya dimanfaatkan, terutama untuk pengembangan bidang kedokteran gigi


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    Radiographic examination has a very important role in dental implant treatment, including preoperative planning and intraoperative and postoperative assessment. In preoperative planning, radiographic examination has an ability to visualize critical anatomic organs such as mandibular formaen, mandibular canals, and mental foramen, which will guide the choice of implant length, diameter, and position. Besides, it also can reveal variation of quality of the jawbone. Radiographic examination for postoperative assessment of dental implant is usually addressed for evaluation of implant position. Development and application modern imaging modalities in dento-maxillofacial radiology have very important role for better accuracy and more comprehensive dental implant treatment. One of modern radiographic imaging techniques for this purpose is conventional linear tomography. This modality yields visualization of bone quality and quantity in high detail and accuracy, including bone condition in buccal-lingual dimension. Thus the choice of implant type, shape, and size can be obtained precisely and furthermore reducing iatrogenic damage of critical anatomic organ Radiation dose of conventional linear tomography is relatively low compared with other modern imaging modalities such as CT scan, besides that it also has lower cost so it has beneficial economic point. However, for a certain case and condition, there will be more need for combining conventional linear tomography with other techniques, such as the panoramic and periapical technique